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Trujillo — Trujillo cityLink to Trujillo index

We saw Trujillo and the surrounding area in style during our two-day visit. We had our own personal translator and escort, Bro. Paul, and Tito, our driver who took us everywhere, waited for us to do our tourist-ing, then took us to the next stop. Here are Bro. Paul, Kathy and Tito with our touring vehicle:

Trujjillo touring group

Plus we had first-rate accomodations at the Colegio San José Obrero. Here are Bro. Paul and Kathy atop the roof of the building in which we stayed, where we had a great view of the school complex. And here we are at the wonderful dinner they served us. Father Javier joined us for dinner.

Roof of School Dinner in Trujillo

One of the tourist highlights of Trujillo is its lovely and colorful Plaza de Armas, or main square. The buildings that surround it are painted delightfully bright colors, which makes for a very photogenic scene.

One side of the Plaza Building on the Plaza

The main building on the square is of course the cathedral. Here is an exterior shot, followed by three interiors.

Trujillo cathedral

Interior of Cathedral Altar Altar

Here are three other views of the Plaza. In the middle is a closeup of the sculpture atop its impressive fountain.

Square thru a gate Fountain View of the square

Another look at the colorful buildings, and a more panoramic view of the Plaza behind some tourists:

Colorful buildings Plaza de Armas

Bro. Paul recommended going inside the Hotel Libertador, the swankiest in Trujillo, as a good example of colonial architecture. Here is a view of their interior atrium.

Hotel Libertador

Another Bro. Paul recommendation was this lovely church, located on a much smaller square.

Trujillo church Trujillo church interior

It was very much a working church, as there was some sort of meeting going on, plus some repair work on the platform shown in the middle below, used to carry icons in processions.

Interior of Church Interior of Church Church gate

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All photos, unless otherwise credited, are © by Henry J. Amen III. Please do not use without permission.