Basics of HTML


Specifically Styles penguin

Cascading Style Sheets: latest news from

CSS Play: Experiments with CSS: layouts and demos

CSS Zen Garden: submit or use creative commons designs

Hands On CSS: free layouts and resources

Learn CSS Layout: very clear and helpful layout hints

Mozilla Developers' CSS Reference: reference and links to tutorials

Accessibility & Validation

Accessibility Tutorial:'s overview

Anybrowser Pages: links to sites & information concerned with cross-browser compatibility

CSS Validation Service: tool provided by

US Web Design Systems: Accessibility: official US government standards


Cnet: Downloads: free software

Colors & Graphics

ColorHexa: color information & a matching color generator

ColorSchemer: easy way to get harmonized colors

HTML Color Picker: from W3Schools


Classroom Clipart: large graphic archive for students & teachers public domain clip art

Creative Commons: search collections of royalty-free images

Dynamicdrive: source of free galleries, generators, scripts, etc., plus demonstrations & tutorials

IconArchive: graphics archive searchable by subject collection of freely-usable photos free images

Photoeverywhere: Creative Commons collection of photos from around the world (especially UK)

Pixabay: very high-quality photos free to use through Creative Commons

Realm Graphics: one of my favorite graphic sites for icons

Unsplash: quirky Creative Commons graphics

References, tutorials & toolsbooks

Color Schemer: easy way to get harmonized colors

Dynamicdrive: source of free generators, scripts, etc., plus demonstrations & tutorials

HTML for Beginners: tutorials and a forum

HTML Entities Reference: complete basic set of character entities from W3 Schools

HTMLGoodies: articles & forums on a variety of subjects

mjdwebdesign: instructional videos channel

Quackit Tutorials: tutorials & references on a variety of subjects

Tizag Tutorials: tutorials and references

W3Schools: tutorials & references from the most official source

Web Development in the Classroom: Web Site Building for Kids: collection of links to tutorials and websites to help students and teachers with web page production

Web Developer's Handbook: voluminous tutorials, references and tools

Web Design Group: articles are dated, but still has lots of good information

WebmasterWorld: forum on web design topics

Last updated:

Links checked June, 2023

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