NOTE: for many more pictures taken on this journey to Great Falls, see this page.

I wish this slide had been marked as to location—it's an old-fashioned ski area, possibly in Colorado. It was taken after the shots at Independence Pass (see link above) and before the ones of the Tetons.

Ski area

This is the dam at one end of Jackson Lake, the beautiful water that forms the foreground of the following two pictures of the Grand Tetons:

Jackson Lake dam

Grand Tetons

Grand Tetons

Here are two slides from a different box, but one which seems contemporary with the "trip north" box, and certainly these are the Tetons:

Mountains and lake Dead tree and lake

Here are two close bear encounters, probably taken in Yellowstone:

Bear and car Bear headed for trash

This slide wasn't labelled, but it looks like Old Faithful; the black and white photo, which might possibly be from the early 1950's trip, definitely is:

Geyser Old Faithful

Here are three slides of the spectacular Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, getting closer and closer to the falls:

Yellowstone Canyon
Yellowstone Falls
Yellowstone Falls

The following black and white shots were not labelled, but were probably also of the Falls (although the last one looks like it might be of a different waterfall). They were in a camera shop envelope addressed to the Fir Street location, so they must have been taken early in our Montana sojourn, probably from the "trip north."

Yellowstone Falls Yellowstone Falls Waterfall

The following two slides show another Yellowstone attraction: Mammoth Hot Springs, first Springs and town, then just the town:

Mammoth Hot Springs Mammoth Hot Springs

Here are two slides taken later in the trip. They may be of the Missouri River, as we got close to Great Falls:

River and railroad River and bridge

Finally, at the end of our long journey, we see the city that will be our home for almost 5 years. In the first picture you can see the distinctive Anaconda smokestack; in the second, in the distance at the right, the mountains that I remember looking at past the end of our street.

Great Falls Great Falls


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